Module total and duplicate size
Identifying the impact of duplicate modules can be a slow and complex task, especially for large applications where the commons chunk algorithm can bundle the same module in multiple chunks. Code splitting and common chunking are helpful techniques to defer loading code that is not needed immediately; however, in some situations, large modules are bundled into multiple chunks, unnecessarily increasing the download time and negatively impacting user performance.

By viewing the bundle modules' duplicate and total size, you can identify the impact of the duplicate modules across all chunks and decide if they are candidates for bundleing into a new common async chunk.
Module info enhancements
The module info side panel now shows all the available sizes for the module(size, duplicate size, total size). Also, you can identify the changes across all chunks.

- Change the chart intervals: daily, weekly, monthly
- Improve the automated review flow
- Improve insights cards - link to insights page on metric click, show options by default for medium/large cards
- Improve charts
- Improved badges
- Fix module filters when clicking on the side panel module chunk
- Fix issue when navigating away from a compare view
- Fix job list filter error
Package updates
- bundle-stats@4.14.0
- @relative-ci/agent@4.2.10
- rollup-plugin-webpack-stats@1.0.2
- relative-ci/agent-action@2.1.11
- relative-ci/agent-upload-artifact-action@2.0.0
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