Module total size comparison
When leveraging code splitting with async chunks for improved performance, modules can be bundled in multiple async chunks to avoid including them in the initial chunks. When loading the app, users download the initial chunks first, and they will load only the required async chunks if needed. Over time, some modules can be shared across more async chunks, making them a good option for extraction into a common async chunk or bundling them into an initial chunk.
RelativeCI monitors the duplicate modules with Duplicate modules and Duplicate code metrics. Now, with the Module total size view, you can compare and identify the duplicate module entries with the biggest impact on the bundle and evaluate the impact of extracting them into a common async chunk or bundling them into an initial chunk.
Organization usage improvements
We've made it easier for organization admins to understand the RelativeCI usage. You can now filter the data by project, select a daily/weekly/monthly interval, download data as JSON or CSV, or select a predefined period. All the selected filters are stored in the URL so you can share the exact data view with your team.

- Job: info modal URL
- Bundle analyzer: skip package name extraction from module federation entries
- Bundle analyzer: improve processing for Next.js manifest assets
- Rules: support for metric absolute value
- Bundle analyzer: allows to search large chunk lists
- Integrations: GitHub Check report toggle functionality
- Integrations: GitHub reports - link to project dashboard
- Integrations: UI improvements
- Badges: style selector
- Integration: fix error reporting
Package changes
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