Metrics regressions and improvements

October 30, 2023

Metric regressions and improvements

RelativeCI now analyses every metric comparison and detects if the change is a regression, improvement, or neutral. This allows us to identify the significant changes quickly and to focus our attention on the most important differences.

The integration summary and details group titles include the total number of changes, as well as the number of regressions and/or improvements:

GitHub integrations - bundle analysis metric regressions and improvements

In the metric group tables, every row shows the corresponding icon for changes, regressions, improvements, or no changes:

GitHub pull request comment - expanded bundle analysis metrics


  • Bundle analysis report - fix chunk filter performance
  • GitHub integrations - show changes only for total metrics that are not empty
  • GitHub integrations - enhance insights display
  • Agents - filter modules that do not belong to any chunk
  • Improve GitHub Pull Request resolving
  • Fix review result metrics
  • Bundle analysis report - enhance side panels
  • Bundle analysis report - improve metric summary hovercard details
  • Upgrade period dropdown and use it on the project summary instead of the static label

Package changes

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